Elmer’s Glue Sun Catcher

Welcome the sunlight with these bright colorful suncatchers, made with your favorite Elmer’s glue!

Please note: there is a 48-hour waiting time for glue to harden.

Ingredients Needed

  • Elmer’s Glue (Recommend Clear, Translucent, Glitter, or Glow in the Dark)
  • Cookie Cutters, any shape
  • Wax paper
  • Toothpick (optional)
  • Hole punch
  • String/yarn


Lay out a piece of wax paper on a flat surface and place your desired cookie cutter shape on the wax paper.

Squeeze your Elmer’s Glue into the cookie cutter shape until the bottom of the cookie cutter has a nice layer of Elmer’s Glue (about 1/8” worth of glue). Try using different colors of glue in different areas of the cookie cutter for a multi-colored suncatcher or use a toothpick to swirl the colors together for a neat color effect!

Let the glue completely harden in the cookie cutter. This may take up to 48 hours.

Once hardened, remove the cookie cutter.

Use a hole punch at the top of your shape and insert yarn or string to hang your sun catcher on a window! Parents, you may need to hole punch the sun catcher for your younger children.